Disturbing Footage Shows Trans-Identified Male Beating Girl at Brazilian School

Disturbing footage posted to social media shows a fight breaking out at a Brazilian school allegedly after a girl confronted a trans-identified male in the women's bathroom.
A newly-posted recording uploaded to Twitter from inside a Brazilian public school caught a violent scene breaking out between a trans-identified male student and a young female. The male can be seen pulling the girl from the women's restroom by her hair and throwing her to the floor where he begins to thrash and kick her repeatedly.
The fight purportedly broke out after the girl expressed discomfort with the male's presence in the women's restroom.
Depois de usar o banheiro feminino da escola, travesti espanca garota porque ela se sentiu incomodada. Tempos difíceis! Se não concordamos somos agredidos de todas as formas... Algo precisa ser feito... Urgente! pic.twitter.com/hQU1cmwi66
— Manoel Freitas Batista (@ManoelFreitasB3) November 6, 2021
The violence continues until a student in red shorts steps in and pulls the trans-identified male off of the girl, who quickly gets up and begins yelling "você não é mulher!" – or, "you are not a woman!"
The trans-identified male attempts to charge at the girl once again, but the student in red shorts continues to keep him at bay.
The footage, which has almost 500,000 views across all uploads as of this publishing, has ignited a wildfire of concern across Brazilian social media.
Sabrina Campos, a columnist with Brazil's Jornal DR1, wrote in response: "What is evident to me is that a thin transvestite with the physical appearance of strength similar to the girl's [still] demonstrated ease in [beating] her with a force so superior that only one boy student managed to stop [him]."
O que ficou evidente p/ mim é que,mesmo um trans/travesti magro,de aparência física de força semelhante à da garota,o trans demonstrou facilidade em espancar a menina,de força tão superior à ela que só um rapaz conseguiu impedir o trans de continuar atacando violentamente a moça.
— Sabrina Campos (@sabrinarjbr) November 6, 2021
André Porciuncula, Brazil's National Secretary for the Incentive and Promotion of Culture, wrote "Encouraging this kind of madness will generate many serious problems. No woman can be forced to share a bathroom with a man."
O incentivo a esse tipo de loucura ainda vai gerar muitos problemas graves. Nenhuma mulher pode ser obrigada a dividir um banheiro com um homem.
— André Porciuncula (@andreporci) November 6, 2021
Many social media users are now brandishing the girl's chant of "you are not a woman" as a rallying cry, while demanding better protection for women's single-sex spaces.
There has been a recent push in Brazil to advance legislation that would impose significant fines upon institutions and companies who do not have inclusive unisex washrooms.
Last month, Brazilian celebrity Joana Prado called attention to the issue when she posted an Instagram video expressing concerns about unisex washrooms during a stay in the United States. She posted the video after encountering a male in a women's washroom she and her young daughter had gone to use in a shopping mall.
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