Male Nursing Home Employee Charged with Raping 81-Year-Old Woman With Dementia

A 51-year-old male nursing home employee has been charged with raping one of the elderly, mentally incapacitated women in residence at his facility.
Khadka Pradhan was employed at the Shore Winds Nursing Home in Rochester, New York when he committed the disturbing attack. His victim, an 81-year-old resident, has dementia and was physically incapacitated.
According to the indictment, Pradhan entered the victim’s room at around 6.30 am on September 29 and sexually assaulted the disabled woman "through the use of forcible compulsion."
Pradhan has been charged with first- and second-degree rape, first- and second-degree criminal sexual act, and endangering the welfare of an incompetent or physically disabled person in the first degree.
Khadka Pradhan, a former worker at the Shore Winds Nursing Home in Rochester, has been indicted for allegedly raping an 81-year-old resident of the home who had dementia.
— NY AG James (@NewYorkStateAG) December 23, 2021
These charges are as horrific and disturbing as they come.
“The charges outlined in this case are as heinous and disturbing as they come,” said New York Attorney General Leticia James in a statement. “Mr. Pradhan allegedly raped an elderly woman with dementia at the nursing home where she lived — grossly violating her, other residents, and her family, who trusted that she would be safe and cared for. The idea that one of our most vulnerable could be so severely abused and taken advantage of is a real shock to the conscience."
Pradhan was arraigned on September 30 in Rochester City Court and his bail was set at $10,000 cash, $50,000 secured bond, and $100,000 unsecured bond. He posted the funds that same day and was subsequently released in wait of his trial.
If convicted, he faces up to 25 years in prison.
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