Hollywood’s “Good Girl” Conditioning of Female Viewers The US film industry has been telling women to be "good girls" since 1930s.
'Now I Know How to Use a Rifle,' Says Feminist Remaining in Ukraine 23 years old Ukrainian offers unique insight into the lives of women who have decided to stay.
US 'Queer' Female Professors Labeled TERFs by Students and Staff Despite citing Judith Butler, professors at Middlebury College got dragged through the mud for "questioning gender."
How to Win the Language War How can we win the battle for reality that is, ultimately, won with words?
Real-life TRA Silently Detransitions after Harming Lesbians The "transbutch" man who took my place in a city commission, leading the charge against me, has since detransitioned.
Ivan Reitman Leaves a Legacy of Hypersexualized Female Characters His male characters were often geeks and nerds interested in science and frequently openly creepy.
The Scream Movie Franchise Has an Extreme Misogyny Problem Women are called degrading names, threatened, silenced and butchered in all Scream sequels.