Former British MP Claims Ten NHS Patients Victimized in Single-sex Wards Advocates claim 2019 NHS guidance on gender identity undermines purpose of single-sex accommodations
Several Women Assaulted at Manchester March against Male Violence Manchester protesters met with milkshakes, broken bottles and physical assault.
Scottish Women’s Group Wins Appeal against Redefinition of 'Woman' For Women Scotland won a motion to stop the Scottish Government from redefining “woman” in the UK Equality Act.
Adele Called TERF for Saying She Loves “Being a Woman” at "Gender-Neutral" Awards Brit Awards turned "gender neutral" after last year's intervention by Sam Smith.
British Cycling Members Warned Not to Criticize New Trans Policy .. and urged to report behavior and language to the "Integrity and Compliance Department."
UK: Anti-TERF Lecturer Claims Children Capable of Perversity Cambridge Uni platforms academic rallying against "TERFs" and child safeguarding.