Vienna's Last Women-Only Feminist Space Threatened with Cancellation But there's a lot you can do to help.
Iza Palińska: 'Polish Liberal Feminism is Detached from Regular Women's Experiences' Polish "glitter feminists" celebrate abortion while their country outlaws it with almost no exception.
Edinburgh Bar Manager Called the Police on Gender Critical Women Enjoying their Drinks Five officers arrived to tell a group of women to leave Doctors bar.
Feminist Accused of 'Wrongthink' Prevented from Posting Art to Collaborative Twitter Project When Åsk Wäppling got selected to run a Dutch Twitter, trans activists scoured her post history.
Survivors of Sexual Abuse Retraumatized by 'Reframe Your Trauma' Remark “Sexual violence happens to bigoted people as well,” says Rape Crisis centre CEO.
Activist Who Kick-started Glasgow Green Protest Creates Twitter Chat Groups for UK's Gender Critical Women In only one week, 1200 women have responded to the call.
Lynette Hartsell: 'I Can't Get Fired From Retirement' LGB Alliance USA's spokesperson on why she sticks her neck out on gender identity.