Veteran LGBT Campaigner Makes Petition Demanding UK to Record the Sex of Sexual Offenders Ms Dimyon’s petition now has until January 7 2022 to collect 100k signatures.
Feminist Gathering Draws Hundreds of Supporters to Glasgow, UK The event was first organized in support of Marion Millar, charged for a "transphobic" hate crime.
My Grand Day Out at Two Women's Rights Protests in London Two demonstrations that made me believe British common sense is still alive.
Court Decision Means Males in the UK will Remain Housed in Women's Prisons However, some signs of progress are under way.
Women Fight Back Against Anti-Feminism with Sticker Campaigns Stickers and ribbons sporting the green, purple, and white Suffragette colors stormed streets across the globe last week.
More Trans Criminals Than Anti-Trans Crime in the UK? This article was originally shared on Medium, but the author's account was suspended following the post